How to earn money from online writing job

freelance writing job

Just browsing my hard disk folders I noticed a folder which contained my old pictures. It had been in my hard disk since more than fifteen years when I bought a used Toshiba laptop with 850 MHz processor and 10 GB hard disk to start a writing job. I had not enough money and had to request one of my closest friend to lend me the amount so I might purchase that laptop. At that time I didn’t know this will change my life altogether. I had no clear idea what I would do with that laptop but just wanted to use it for writing articles and sending to newspapers for publishing. I had a natural tendency for writing and wanted to make it a source of living.

I had an opportunity to serve as an editor in a renowned newspaper and in this writing job I wrote plenty of articles which were liked by the readers. In the free time I just used to sit alone and start typing on my laptop whatever came to my mind. After a slight retouch and edits, I sent a few articles to the local newspapers and the initial response from the readers was very motivating. So, I planned to use my writing skills for earning as freelance writer however, I didn’t know how I could do that. The internet in those days was in its infancy and rarely available. The articles published in newspapers were applauded but there was no chance of getting money from these. So, I kept searching for more online opportunities to find an online freelance writing job to earn money from home.

One day I was chatting with one of my friend who had a computer and internet connection in his office. When he got busy in his office work and spared the computer I opened the internet browser and through the Google search engine started searching online freelance writing job. From the results displayed by google for online writing job I opened a website which contained some ads for the job of freelance writers. I applied for a few jobs and got busy in my daily routine work. I had no internet connection at that time and the only way to check my emails was through the office of this friend. So, when I had a chance to visit my friend after a week I came to know that I had been selected by two freelance writing services to work as part time freelance writer. I just couldn’t believe I had found an opportunity to earn money from home based jobs.

It is now more than fifteen years that I have been working as a freelance writer and now I am the owner of my own business. I enjoy my life as I desire and work from my own home at my own schedule. Life has changed altogether after starting the online work. Working from home as a freelancer, I am living a luxurious life. Now all this seems to be an unbelievable dream but this is the potential of online writing and I believe anyone with good writing skills may earn as much as he may have dreamt.

However, writing is not an easy way and certainly not everyone may have the necessary skills and potential to become a good writer. But it is also true that with regular practice and following proper guidance most of the online workers may become professional writers. Below, I want to share some writing tips that may help you earn as much as you may desire.

Find the reliable online writing services. Perhaps this is the most important thing to start working as online freelance writer. Remember! Not all online writing services are genuine and some of them may grab your money just in the name of membership fees. Most of the genuine paying writing services don’t require any registration fee and need only sample of writing and a good convincing CV.  So, if you happen to communicate with any website which requires you to pay member fee don’t follow them blindly and investigate their reputation through website reviews or other spam forums.

online writing job

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Only pick orders relevant to your academic background. Once you are on board and see a wide range of orders and topics don’t be tempted to pick orders on which you cannot write perfectly. Remember, if you are writing an academic paper the work you send will be reviewed by a supervisor and will be scanned for plagiarism. So, you need to write an original piece of work and in accordance with your customer’s requirements.

Meet the deadlines. In the online writing industry, deadlines are very important to follow. If you have written a perfect paper but have sent it for customer a few hours late you are at risk to lose money for that work. If you see any likelihood of the delay in the work contact your customer and ask for extension and start work only once you get an extension and are sure to meet the extended deadline.

Follow the writing style. While writing an academic paper you need to follow certain citation styles such as MLA, APA, and Harvard. Your work may receive negative feedback if you fail to follow the required citation style even if the content of the paper are perfect.

Choose the right payment method. You have done a great work. But how you will get the money you have worked for? Most of the time you may work for a writing service located out of your country and you will need to get paid through different channels. The most popular payment methods are paypal (if you have paypal account), wire transfer, alertpay, Western Union and payoneer. So you need to choose the most suitable method of receiving your payments.

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Niaz Shakir
Niaz Shakir is the CEO of UK Newsline and the former Sub Editor at the Daily Mashriq Balochistan. He has written numerous articles in Urdu and English in various newspapers of Pakistan.