Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK organized International Kashmir Virtual Conference on Twin Lockdowns in Kashmir and Global Response


London, Islamabad July 4, 2020: ( )
Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, The Pioneer of Virtual Conferences on Kashmir amidst COVID-19 outbreak, organized International Kashmir Virtual Conference on Twin Lockdowns in Kashmir and Global Response.

President Azad Jammu Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan participated as chief guest, Conference Chair President Tehreek e Kashmir UK Raja Fahim Kayani, while MPs from Labour, Conservative, Scottish National Party and Liberal Democrats including Liam Byrne MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Jim McMahon OBE MP, Brenden O Hara MP, Nadia Whittome MP, Alex Norris MP, Chairman Conservative Friends of Kashmir & Vice Chair APPG on Kashmir James Daly MP, Christian Wakeford MP, Stella Creasy MP, Rachel Maskell MP, Phil Bennion Former Member of European Parliament, Danish Writer Jane Teller.
President Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Chairman Kashmir Institute of Int’l Relations, Human Rights Altaf Ahmed Wani, Human Rights Activist Clair Bidwell Joined to take serious note of grave Human Rights violations in the guise of COVID-19 in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

President Tehreek e Kashmir UK Raja Fahim Kayani Welcomed all the participants and affirmed that highlight the suffering of innocent Kashmiris who have been living under Indian brutal occupation, subjugation and oppression for more than 70 years. While for the last 11 months since August 5, 2019 Kashmiris have been systematically economically destroyed and they are in need of urgent food and medicines. But the Indian regime is not providing any help and is even refusing international relief agencies access into Kashmir. British Kashmiris, Pakistani and all peace-loving people want to send aid to Kashmir through British Charities however this is being denied. The United Kingdom should put pressure on India to allow access for British charities into Kashmir.

Kashmir Virtual Conference  on kashmir lockdown organised by Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK

Chief Guest President AJK Sardar Masood Khan thanked President Tek Fahim Kayani for organizing the webinar, and also the parliamentarians who joined the webinar.
President Khan added that There is Human Rights and Humanitarian Crisis in the occupied Territory and is deepening by the day. With the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A India took away Autonomy, Constitution, and their Flag. India then reconstituted the state into two union territories and ruled directly by Delhi. This has been done without the consent of people.
People of Jammu and Kashmir are made captive in their homeland.

President Sardar Masood Khan denounced the New domicile Law introduced by the Indian Government to change the demography of IOJ&K, will cause Kashmiris to lose Jobs and educational Scholarships to outsiders.

Kashmir is suffering from Twin Lockdowns, while the second lockdown i.e COVID-19 Lockdown is used for saving lives, whereas the siege imposed by Indian occupational forces is designed to Kill people. COVID-19 has been used as a disguise to kill Kashmiri Youth. Fake CASO’s are being used to kill Youth, 200 youth are killed in past 6 months. He added.

President Sardar Masood Khan added that Risk of Serious War between India and Pakistan is imminent, but a war between India and China is also erupting, which will have dire consequences a Nuclear Armageddon which will affect the whole world.

President Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmed Bhat sent his statement, it said that Revocation of Article 370, and 35a, New Domicile Law, and use of force was in reality, a pre-planned Economic, Political, & Social Breakdown of Kashmir. Kashmir has lost Economy, Tourism, Agriculture, Health Sector, Education and even Mental Health to Indian State Terrorism. More than 200 Youth are target killed in fake CASO’s , more than 54 houses are demolished by explosives, and now educational institutes are being turned into Army camps for additional forces.

Bhat in the statement, Welcomed UN Secretary General’s statement and urged the international community for practical steps, as Indian expansionism, and hegemonic agenda has already created an atmosphere of war in South Asia, which if erupted could engulf the whole world.

Lian Byrne MP during his address said that I think the recent conflagration between India and China has just underlined for many of us the risks which are at play here in the narrative in the UK about the urgency to resolve Kashmir issue, as it is a conflict between two nuclear powers and people it’s a risk of conflict between three nuclear powers.
The region is very important and China has already built One belt one Road which will connect with the whole world, so for the peace in the region there must be peace and justice for the people of Kashmir, and the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions that were agreed to all of those years ago.

Jim McMohan said that I’m kind of looking towards next week and the 8th
of July and thinking that would be a year since the UN Human Rights
Commissioner obviously report on the human rights violations were taking
place again to Kashmiri people and we’ve seen almost no progress we’ve seen almost no international assertion that international rule of law and the protection of human rights we’ve seen very little from the UK government and taking a leadership role in this. I do feel as of the UK government needs to decide what role it wants to play in the world does it want to be a spectator, does it want to turn a blind eye or actually doesn’t want to uphold the international rules the order based a system.

Brendan O Hara MP said that it was disappointing but not unsurprising that the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a cover for the oppression of people of Kashmir. The situations are deepening and intense, three nuclear states are going head-to-head here. People in the UK are concerned about Human rights abuses in Kashmir. He also supported Right to self-determination of Kashmiris and pledged his support for Kashmir cause.

Nadia Whittome MP Modi has effectively declared war on people of Kashmir by revoking articles through 370 and 35A of Indian Constitution, with tens of thousands of troops descending on Kashmir with political leaders under house arrest, the blackout in communications and of course the widespread human rights abuses.
She added that we need clear things from our government
Condemnation of Indian Govt, Reinstatement of Article 370 and 35A, Demanding Media and urgent military de-escalation, Sending International Observers to Kashmir, and Publicly asserting the Kashmiri peoples right to self-determination.

Alex Norris said that COVID-19 is being used in order to erode human rights and that’s not something we can tolerate and it’s something that we as parliamentarians have to use our precious platforms to talk about.
He assured that with the help and information form President Saradar Masood Khan we could press the foreign secretary to be stronger and to be more assertive in his engagement with Mr Modi.
We have a very precious platform in Parliament we have a very special responsibility as The United Kingdom to take a standard to have a say and we are keen to use our precious space in Parliament to do exactly that so that you know that is a commitment from me and from my colleagues in order to support Kashmiris and their right to self-determination.

James Daly Mp said that new domicile rules imposed in Jammu and Kashmir are simply unacceptable they are an attempt to change the ending balance of the indigenous population within the state the issue with Kashmir and Pakistan and India is not bilateral it’s internationalist, we cannot walk away from the United Nations resolutions of many years ago we simply can’t ignore them as if they go they’re not there they should do that internationalist solution the peace and the protection of human rights. I believe will be sought I think we have made some very points regarding the role of third parties in fighting discrimination fighting Human Rights fighting the oppression of people’s and that’s what’s happening in Kashmir.

Christian Wakeford MP, I’ve been working very closely with my colleague from Baranof James Daley to keep on highlighting the concerns of the Kashmiri residents from Barry that actually you know too long far too many people have been raped abused tortured and murdered and we should have been speaking out not just on a national stage but an international stage and we have been far too quiet on this particular topic, what I think is vital is we do actually start speaking up because the there
will be no real change until this is seen on an international level.

Stell Creasy MP said that I fear if we don’t deal with Kashmir issue now the situation will deteriorate, I also just want to touch on the human consequences for our communities here in the UK who are desperately worried for friends and family in Kashmir desperately concerned about what is happening in Kashmir, and desperately frustrated that they see a political process that seems to be moving backwards not forwards in Kashmir.

Phil Benion Former MPE said that, Revocation of articles 370 and 35A is illegal because it was clear that changes regarding Kashmir could not be done unilaterally and these have been done unilaterally so it’s very clear that Indian authorities are out of order and excluding people like Human Rights Watch the United Nations and Amnesty and others from access to the region so where we need to go forward now as I think getting an international coalition that wants to see Kashmir issue resolved now.

Jane Teller said that, the immediate absolute need for humanitarian aid has to just somehow find a way to break the chokehold of moody on Jammu and Kashmir. With the revocation of Article 370 and 35a Kashmiris went from the situation of being occupied to actually a situation of being colonized. Indian govt then used COVID-19 and issued 25000 domicile certificates to outsiders to settle down in Kashmir.

Altaf Ahmed Wani thanked President TeK Fahim Kayani, and Parliamentarians. He added that the Indian government is drafting the New Education Policy to eradicate Kashmiri education from its roots. While New Media policy introduced by Indian fascist regime to scrutinize and oppress the journalism so that the true stories of Indian state terrorism and atrocities would not com out of IOJ&K.

Clair Bidwell, Human Rights Activist said that Kashmiris have been waiting for 72 years for their right to self-determination, and their Human Rights respected but that is not happening. We are running out of time and we should work harder for a peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue.

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Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum is the Founder / President of Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) (Think tank), Ambassador UNIHW, Journalist Peace, Harmony Activist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Human rights Defender, Media Consultant, Columnist, Author, Public Figure, and Motivational Speaker. The author may be contacted at [email protected]


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