WHO IS YASIN MALIK? A Kashmir separatist leader


“Yasin Malik (born 1966) is a Kashmir separatist leader and former militant who advocates for Kashmir’s separation from both India and Pakistan. In March 2020, Malik was charged with the murder of four Indian Air Force personnel during an attack in 1990 and is currently on trial. He is also facing a trial for the kidnapping of Rubaiyya Sayeed. He is currently being held in Tihar Prison. He risks death after the next trial on March 3-4.” (Wikipedia)

I personally have called him the “Robin Hood of Kashmir”, that is, a fighter for human rights and social justice. But history will define him as a hero or not. My campaign follows the many others I have carried out for the benefit of some modern heroes ignored by most. My poems, in addition to the themes of love and nature, always follow the human events of people, often with unknown faces, but who fight for their rights.

The subject in question, Yasin Malik is on Wikipedia and exactly there I tried to understand more about his character, identifying myself with him and writing this poem as a dialogue between me and his soul:

yasin malik freedom fighter kashmir

Yasin Malik risks being sentenced to death by an Indian court. Is he guilty or innocent? Will it be a fair or controlled verdict? From these considerations of mine arises a support campaign in favor of him, which joins the many other campaigns that have sprung up spontaneously in the UK and around the world. Will they do justice to Yasin? Will the media drums raise their voices? We all hope so, supporters of social justice, the only one for which it is convenient to expose yourself and raise your voice above general indifference. He was certainly indicted without appeal.

I am not supporting an alleged murderer but seeking the truth in the folds of the events that have taken place so that an unfair trial does not take place.

In summary, the age-old history of the Indo-Pak dispute over Kashmir is the result of UN resolutions since 1947, the year in which England decided to abandon its colonization in India, thus leaving many unresolved issues. Among these, the Gordian knot is certainly related to Kashmir, a world powder keg since both India and Pakistan are equipped with nuclear weapons.

After the election of PM Modi, with the support of the RSS (with legacies of meetings in the past with the infamous Nazi SS), the situation was further complicated following the abolition of Articles 370 and 35 / A present in the special status that Kashmir previously enjoyed.

Without going into details, I would like to point out that kidnappings, violence against journalists, killings of ordinary citizens, rapes and disappearances of women, imprisonment of political leaders are on the agenda in Kashmir, to the point of being defined as the most armed and dangerous country in the world. The Indian curfew, then, was aggravated by the lockdown due to the pandemic from Covid-19, in addition to various tightening, including internet blocks, havoc in orchards, a source of income for the people of Kashmir, as forms of punishment and destruction of the local economy. Added to this is the diabolical demographic replacement plan planned by PM Modi since March 2020, while riots are breaking out within India by Indian farmers and protests with kilometer rows of tractors. The UN, due to the massive Indian presence among its officials, niche despite dozens and dozens of letters sent by many politicians and ordinary people. Unfortunately, the world is blind and deaf, unable to go beyond its field of daily interests and problems, aggravated by the pandemic crisis. I place my hopes on the new president-elect Joe Biden, his multi-racial staff, and especially his deputy, Kamala Harris.

Yasin Malik, on whom an international campaign will be launched tomorrow with the request for release, is probably not a killer (previously used by the Indians themselves against alleged Pakistani terrorists), and should still be subjected to a fair trial before being sentenced by an Indian court. Here, incidentally, I remember the matter of the Italian Maros imprisoned for a long time in India. I am sorry to say it but, following all the articles written by me on Kashmir, the great sub-continent that Gandhi had managed to unite under a unitary and pacifist flag, even if it remained divided into castes, it now appears as a pseudo-democracy, unable to face the challenges of the third millennium and unstable within it, with the planned persecution of its ethnic minorities (including many Muslims and Christians). We will soon be faced with an unforeseen implosion, even if foreseeable in the light of recent events. After all, Kashmir for Modi has been used lately as an element of distraction from the real problems that India is going through inside.

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Franca Colozzo
Member of UIA - UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS | former Teacher of Drawing and History of Art also abroad, in Istanbul (TURKEY), on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M.A.E.) | Poet | Artist | Writer | multilingual author| recipient of n°4 honorary PhD | highly internationally awarded | freelancer | UN SDGs & UN DESA Blogger | former Member of UN ECOSOC (CSW67) | GGAF (USA), Italian Chapter | WEF - Lifelong Honorary Member | Ambassador of Peace on behalf of several NGOs from Pakistan (former CEO of IHC- INTERNATIONAL HARMONY COUNCIL, a sister of INSPAD (Islamabad - PAKISTAN); from INDIA (MERLE REBIRTH); Italy Chapter on behalf of WIP – WORLD INSTITUTE for PEACE (NIGERIA), etc. | Executive Director for Sustainability & Climate Change and contact person for the Transparency Register of the European Commission and Parliament, on behalf of GPLT - GLOBAL PEACE LET’S TALK (London, UK), founded and chaired by Dr. Nikki De Pina | Member of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of ETHICS, founded and presided over by Dr. Jernail S Anaand (INDIA) | CEO/Executive Director of RRM3 - RINASCIMENTO RENAISSANCE - Millennium III, founded and presided over by Prof. George Onsy (Cairo, EGYPT) | Founder of many groups on social media|