supermodel Gigi Hadid admits her pregnancy from singer Zain Malik and publishes her birthday cake

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik

Many media circulated with great interest news about carrying the famous super model and famous model Gigi Haddad from her friend singer Zain Malik, although Gigi did not publish photos on her account while she was pregnant on her official account on Instagram and full of pictures of the international fashion star, and many reports confirmed that Gigi lives the twentieth week of her pregnancy, in the happiest moments of her love that were described as an epic love story, culminated in news of her first child.
And sources told (TMZ) that the couple did not really know whether the expected baby was a child or a child, while one of the photographers picked up Gigi hugging Zinen carrying a balloon with a blue thread, which is a Western habit that confirms that they are hiding what the baby is, while the blue thread is used if the newborn Male.

Global supermodel Gigi Hadid admits her pregnancy from singer Zain Malik
News of the global supermodel Gigi came, just three months after the lovebirds announced the reconciliation of Zain to Gigi and the return of love to collect them again, after they separated for the second time in 2018, and confirmed that they returned to live the best moments of love, despite the closure due to the Corona virus, where they live on a farm Gigi Haddad family in New York?
Thestars reported that Zain Malik, 27, was associated with international fashion star Gigi in 2015, and they lived a happy love story, but they separated in January last year, and sources close to the two lovers confirmed the news of their separation and their focus on their work and their professional future each. In his field.

Zyen malik and Hadid
The couple had met at the Victoria’s Secret party party and Zain also asked her to go out for the first time. Their relationship began on November 18, and they were never separated from that time despite the controversy raised about many of the problems between them because of his previous relationship with Perry Edwards, although she stated more than once to several newspapers and magazines that her relationship with Zain was “the worst experience in her life”, Nevertheless, Zain’s relationship with Gigi continued, which appeared with him in Zain’s first clip entitled “Pillow Talk”, which is his first clip after his separation from “One Direction”.
Gigi Hadid posted a photo of her 25 birthday cake on her account, thanked all her fans for the congratulations that she described as happy and made it difficult for her to thank several people and thanked the thousands of fans who set up her account for her birthday congratulations.
Gigi also posted several photos of her birthday cake on her Instagram account, and said: “It was the sweetest day of celebrating my 25th birthday with my family in quarantine, who made it so special for me, along with all the love I felt from all over the world! Thanks For everyone on Christmas messages, I carried you with me yesterday !! I am grateful and fortunate that my family and friends – close and far – are healthy and safe, and although I miss my loved ones who I wish I could celebrate, I know that these times will make us more grateful to be subscribers to The future! I will never forget the 25th day! Live in the perfect quarantine that is a discovery that surprised me in everything – a beautiful cake made of one cake that I have seen for more than a decade. I screamed when I saw her beauty and I did not believe it was real! It is a dream that has come true. I can’t believe you made this cake for me while closing This means more to me than you know, and when we hope to meet one day, you will really know that there is almost no moment I have missed and I am grateful and honored by my greatest number of fans.

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Salama Mohamed Salama
Salama Mohamed Salama has more than 20 years of experience as T.V editor, T.V Script writer and journalist. Worked in international Channels for 15 year in (Arab Radio and Television "A.R.T) 2 years part time and 13 years full time employee. Also in the same time he worked part time in Egyptian T.V and Nile T.V Network for 10 years.