Recommitment of Kashmiris accession to Pakistan by Altaf Ahmed Bhat

Altaf Ahmed Bhatt

President Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmed Bhat has said that Today is a day of devotion for Kashmiris. It is also a day of sense of responsibility for the people and rulers of Pakistan. Those who before the formation of Pakistan to embarrass the dream of Quaid-e-Azam, passed a resolution on 19 July 1947 to join Pakistan at the residence of Ghazi Millat Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim.
With this resolution, Kashmiris had fulfilled their obligation. Pakistan has come into existence and now after 73 years Pakistan has become a strong country all over the world which has not only the best army in the world but also is the nuclear power.

Now it is time for the rulers and people of Pakistan to Fulfill the dream of Quaid-e-Azam by liberating the besieged people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir from the barbarism and inhuman torture by the hands of Indian occupational forces” (Altaf Ahmed Bhat)

Kashmir is the Jugular vein of Pakistan without which Pakistan is incomplete. “ He expressed these views while talking to a Kashmir delegation here yesterday.
On this occasion, Bhat said that today is the day of renewed commitment and Kashmiris pledged to meet Pakistan with devotion and respect. Now is the time for Pakistani people and rulers to fulfill their responsibility.

An innocent child wonders whty his gradfather was killed

Courtsey: Altaf Ahmed Bhatt Twitter

The purpose of celebrating this day is to take practical steps for the liberation of Kashmiris. While Indian oppression has crossed all boundaries, torture, killings, illegal arrests, and Rape / molestation of women has reached their peaks. Bhat lamented that fascist Modi and his companions are continuously working on turning the Muslim majority Kashmir into a minority. While amendments to new building acts and approval for constructions of more than 200,000 houses for Indian Army and outsiders is another step towards demographic change.
In these circumstances, the kashmiri people under triple lockdown have done their duty, but Pakistan has a huge responsibility to take concrete steps to free its Jugular Vein: Kashmir from the clutches of Indian oppression.

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Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum is the Founder / President of Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) (Think tank), Ambassador UNIHW, Journalist Peace, Harmony Activist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Human rights Defender, Media Consultant, Columnist, Author, Public Figure, and Motivational Speaker. The author may be contacted at [email protected]