The role of the media in freedom of movement is very important

Raja Faheem Kiani said that the role of the media in freedom of movement is very important

Islamabad :(UK Newsline) President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK Raja Fahim Kayani has said that the role of the media in freedom of movement is very important. Modi government abolished Kashmir’s legal cover, which united the Kashmiri leadership and the nation.
After Modi’s 5, August 2019 move, started Kashmir Tehreek in Britain, while continuously a part of Kashmir Freedom movement for more than 40 years.

Raja Faheem Kiani addressing the columnists meeting
Raja Faheem Kiani, the President Tehreek Kashmir UK addressing the senior columnists meeting

Senior Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Altaf Ahmed Bhat asserted that Pakistan should terminate Shimla agreement in response to Articles 370 and 35A. If the talks do not work out, then we should consider taking Kashmir by power.
Bhat said that a Kashmir committee comprised of Kashmir leadership, Kashmir diplomats, retired Generals and journalists should be formed, which will inform the world about the real situation of the freedom movement.
He was speaking at the occasion of the interactive session of President Tehreek e Kashmir UK Raja Fahim Kayani with the editors of the newspaper, the newspaper columnists and senior journalists.
Raja Fahim Kayani, president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, said that in 70 years of the Freedom movement, people did not take to the streets as Kashmiris and other nations reacted concerning August 5, 2019, and It seemed that India occupied Kashmir on August 5, whereas from the 14th of August to the morning of August 15th, over 40,000 Kashmiri people in the United Kingdom, have given the message that Kashmiris want only freedom from India.
While the Indian Embassy issued a high alert for fear of this action, the sentiment and commitment we saw in the people were never before, but because of that sentiment and commitment of Kashmiri People in UK Modi spoke to top British higher authorities that your land is being sued for this purpose. All the international media also covered this story.
Kayani added that, The path of peace in the region is through Srinagar while the road to freedom is through Islamabad. Prime Minister Imran Khan should also change his position and extend his claim to Srinagar, Ladakh and other cities.
Countries start a war on its nation’s will power, while the entire nation is united.
President Tek further said, When Prime Minister of Turkey Tayyab Erdogan spoke in favour of Kashmir after August 5, a business delegation approached him and told him that our business relations are with India, and this could affect the business relations.
Tayyip Erdogan responded and told that whenever I talk about Ummah I cannot leave Kashmir aside, and will support Kashmir at every forum. While Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Muhammad’s support and stance on Kashmir also caused hurdles from India but he didn’t step back from his support or statement. And we must stop trade with India through Wagah border. Now, In fact, Indian citizens have also raised their voice in favour of Kashmir in London.
While glorifying the bravery of Kashmiris Kayani said that, India did not succeed in suppressing Kashmiri movement independence through power. Hundreds of protests are being carried out daily against the Fascist Prime Minister of India: Modi.
The truth has always been victorious in, while the night of oppression, one day must end and freedom will be achieved. United Nations Secretary Generals visit to Pakistan is appreciable, and The results of this tour will be positive.
Appreciating and emphasizing the role of Media Raja Fahim Kayani said that, The Pakistani media has a very important role to play in Kashmir’s media front. And as a result of Modi’s extremist actions, protests continue throughout India against Modi.
The mainstream Pakistani media must play its part in showing the real face of Modi.
The reception was attended by Afzal Butt, Rana Athar, senior journalist Tariq Chaudhry, senior journalist Aqeel Ahmed Tareen, senior journalist and analyst Tazeen Akhtar, famous scholar Dr Murtaza Mughal, Anchor Ali Raza Alawi, Malik Fada Rahman, Columnist Aslam Khan, Saqib Ayub, Arif Qureshi, Asif Khurshid, Senior Journalist Beg Raj, Columnist Shamshad Mangat, Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar, Raja Bashir Osmani, Aslam Mir, prominent journalist and editor Mushtaq Ahmed Askari, Mohammad Shafiq Butt, leader of Tehreek e Kashmir UK Luqman Ahmad Mir, and a large number of Senior columnists and Journalists participated.
President TEK Raja Fahim Kayani further said that the present era is the era of the media. The media should play its part on the media front of freedom fighters Kashmir. He said that Kashmiri and Pakistani community based abroad have tried to play their part on the diplomatic front for freedom of Kashmir.
He said that Islamic countries should imitate Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who courageously announced his support for the Kashmir issue and supported Pakistan. We are grateful to him.

Raja Faheem Kiani said that the role of the media in freedom of movement is very important
Raja Faheem Kiani said that the role of the media in freedom of movement is very important

Raja Fahim Kayani said that the downfall of India has begun. Now, like occupied Kashmir, there are slogans of freedom in India. Dalits have also chanted Kashmir independence during protests in London. India refuses to allow British Member of Parliament Debbie Abrahams to enter India after arriving at Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, who strongly criticized India’s anti-Kashmir policies. Labor Party Member Debbie Abraham, who is also the head of the Kashmir parliamentary group in the British Parliament, arrived at the New Delhi airport from Dubai and was treated inhumanly by Indian authorities at the airport. Debbie Abraham recounted the incident at the airport, saying that when he gave his documents to the immigration counter, the officer there looked at his computer screen and started moving head in denial, after which she was told that her visa was cancelled, then transferred to the departing passenger’s cell, the Indian officer’s attitude with me was very aggressive.
Senior Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Altaf Ahmed Bhat during his address said that Tehreek e Kashmir Uk has done tremendous efforts on the international front for Kashmir Freedom Movement, and I pay tribute to President Tehreek e Kashmir Raja Fahim Kayani and his team. Kashmiris are more Pakistanis than Pakistanis. The obvious manifestation of martyrs in occupied Kashmir is the burial in the green flags of Pakistan. What could be more proof of love for Pakistan?
After August 5, India crossed all limits, and Pakistan had to end the Shimla agreement thereafter.

Kashmiri leader Altaf Ahmed Butt addressing the writers meeting
Renowned Kashmiri leader Altaf Ahmed Butt addressing the interactive session of senior columnists and writers

He said that the current situation requires that another Kashmir Committee, headed by Prime Minister Azad Kashmir, be formed to include the Kashmiri MPs intellectuals and journalists former diplomats and Kashmiri Members in the Parliament of Pakistan, which could have presented Kashmir in its true context. On 26th Feb Pakistan brave Air Force shot down Indian Fighter jet and Indian pride was struck down.
We have to increase pressure on India to force India to abandon the Kashmiri leadership, which are currently under arrest. We have to send a message to India that Pakistan is not afraid of war. He added that in particular, the global media, human rights organizations, global, regional organizations working on the intellectual and intellectual front all agree on the premise that India’s brutal policies in occupied Kashmir are against human rights and the suspension of basic rights.
Despite the pressure on India from the world over Kashmir issue and its different shapes appearing on different levels, India remains firm on its brutal policies. This pressure on India is not only coming from Pakistan or the international community, but also by the internal politics of India itself and the pro-Indian people in occupied Kashmir. Bhat added,
The main point being discussed in the right-wing and political circles in Pakistan is that the pressure is mounting on India, and yet the neither any solution to Kashmir problem nor the continuous lockdown for 190 days has been resolved.
How could India and especially the fanatical Hindu government at that time not only abolish the curfew but also give basic human rights to the people there and recognize their political right?
He said that in the future, what should be the strategy on the political and diplomatic front of Pakistan so that the international community and effective forces should make progress in the solution of the Kashmir dispute. Many new dimensions have to be explored and something new to bring India under pressure compared to its traditional policies.
Bhat suggested that, First, we have to build a team of current and former diplomats on the diplomatic front that has the support of the government and the foreign ministry, and they play an effective role in raising public opinion in the world. The team should be sent to countries that understand the sensitivity of the problem.
Altaf Ahmed Bhat further added that, We have to create a think tank that challenges the Indian statement in the context of Kashmir around the world and offers an alternative statement that will help in resolving the Kashmir issue. We need consensus in the context of Kashmir policy.

You may also like to read: The Conflict In Kashmir And Its Cultural Matrix

Emphasizing on the role of Media Bhat said that, A pearl of new wisdom is needed on the media front, and these frontiers are not only limited to the internal level, but we also have to link ourselves to the global media. Bhat further said that India tried to destroy the economy of Kashmir, snatch the future of Kashmiri children, destroy future of Kashmir: Education from Students, and destroying the Tourism, fruit, and handicraft industry to paralyze the region for Freedom Movement.
Bhat said that India has imprisoned Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders: Syed Ali Gilani, Mir Waiz Omar Farooq, Yasin Malik, Shabbir Shah, Zafar Akbar Bhat, Ayesha Andrabi to suppress the voice of Freedom, but India will fail miserably.
Bhat further said that the Indian administration in occupied Kashmir has refused to allow the Kashmiri people to meet with Syed Ali Gilani, the chairman of the All-Party Hurriyat Conference. While hundreds of armed personnel are stationed outside his house to stop people from visiting his house. Vehicles and people are being repatriated from the area after searching. The Indian government is plotting to kill Syed Ali Gilani by depriving him of proper treatment facilities, Senior Hurriyat leader added.

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Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum is the Founder / President of Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) (Think tank), Ambassador UNIHW, Journalist Peace, Harmony Activist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Human rights Defender, Media Consultant, Columnist, Author, Public Figure, and Motivational Speaker. The author may be contacted at [email protected]


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