Coronavirus update, map, symptoms and news in UK, USA, Italy, Pakistan, China

coronavirus update, map, symptoms

Corona virus updates

Corona virus that hit the Wuhan city of China last December 2019, has spread almost all corners of the world and has infected more than 300,000 people worldwide and more than 13000 have died so far. The most severely hit country by corona virus has been Italy where 4825 people have died which is more than China, the first ever country experiencing coronavirus.

Corona virus in Pakistan

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Coronavirus update in the World

The table below shows the rapidly spreading coronavirus in the world. The data collected from the Johns Hopkins website shows that the COVID-19 has hit the USA more severely than the rest of the world

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Corona virus in USA

The coronavirus epidemic has hit hard the USA by surprise and by now there are more than 25000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in USA out of which 15,168 have been reported in the New York State only.  The USA has already banned flights for one week.

Corona virus in France

Till Sunday, 16018 cases of corona virus has been reported in France and so far 674 have died. Christophe Castaner, the Minister of the Interio, announced reinforced controls, not the curfew, in France and advised people not to go out during the weekend so people may not be a career of this pandemic and impact others.

Corona virus in Italy

The number of deaths due to coronavirus is rising in Italy and 651 more people have died on Sunday 22 December. So far, 5476 people infected by coronavirus have died in Italy which is more than any other country in the world. With 10% increase of Coronavirus (COVID-19}, the total number of confirmed cases in Italy has reached 59,000 which is the second  highest after China. However, the positive news about Italy is that the number of infected and died have been decreasing now.

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Niaz Shakir
Niaz Shakir is the CEO of UK Newsline and the former Sub Editor at the Daily Mashriq Balochistan. He has written numerous articles in Urdu and English in various newspapers of Pakistan.

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