Preparation of military operation against Sikhs

violent agitation in india

Sikh farmers are unjustified by the Indian government
The army has been called to Delhi after the Indian Army was instructed to launch a grand operation against the Sikhs and the Sikhs have made it clear that they will go to Delhi without acceptance of their demands. They will not go back even if they have to sacrifice their lives for it. India has made sacrifices not only for Hindus but also for Sikhs. It seems that after the attack on the Golden Temple in 1984, the Sikhs are haunted by the folly of using force again, but in case of the use of force, there is a danger of great destruction on both sides. Thousands of military vehicles have arrived around Delhi. After the failure of the talks, preparations are being made for an operation against the sikh farmers. Sikh leaders have sought help from Pakistan and Pakistan is still silent. It is premature to say anything in these circumstances, but a great catastrophe is imminent. Many countries have also supported the demands of Sikh farmers and demonstrations are being held all over the world including Pakistan in support of their demands.
Sikh leaders have called on UN & international human rights organizations to speak out for the abuses of minorities in India and to play their part in ensuring Kashmiris’ right to self-determination. From day one, India has neither heeded nor adhered to the UN resolutions. It has pursued a policy of negative thinking of Hindu tava and terrorism that has put the whole of South Asia in a whirlpool of threats.
The Khalistan movement is gaining momentum with the Sikh farmers’ rally and Sikhs all over the world have become active at all levels. They say that next year is the establishment of Khalistan. If the Indian rulers do not take the nails of consciousness, the Sikh nation will remind them of the milk of the grandmother.
The Indian government should avoid the military option because the Sikhs not only played a vital role in the partition of the subcontinent but also played a leading role in the massacre of Muslims. Even now, the Sikh nation is present in large numbers in the civil and military institutions. In a short period of time, many Sikh officers have resigned from their posts in protest of the massacre of Kashmiris and in support of the demands of the farmers. Modi seems to be fast approaching a logical end and his end is also going to be instructive because history has shown that the end of every tyrant and oppressor is ultimately the same which is a lesson for his descendants.

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Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum is the Founder / President of Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) (Think tank), Ambassador UNIHW, Journalist Peace, Harmony Activist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Human rights Defender, Media Consultant, Columnist, Author, Public Figure, and Motivational Speaker. The author may be contacted at [email protected]