A global summit of governments in Dubai discusses future trends

A global summit of governments in Dubai

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, affirmed that the world is passing through a decisive phase that it has not witnessed before, which requires strengthening international cooperation frameworks, adopting joint international initiatives and decisions, and taking immediate steps to enhance the readiness of governments for challenges New on the health, social and economic levels.

The UAE is keen to promote comprehensive international dialogue and support global efforts to form a global system based on cooperation and partnership to draw future directions, in a way that reflects positively on countries, and supports efforts to achieve the aspirations and hopes of societies for a better future that improves the quality of their lives. ben Rashid said.

slogan of the Tunisian economic meeting global summit

This came on the occasion of the World Government Summit Foundation’s announcement to organize a hypothetical international dialogue on Tuesday and Wednesday 9-10 March, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in which an elite group of personalities, global leaders, government officials, business leaders and experts will exchange visions and ideas for the future of the world. After the emerging corona virus “Covid-19”.

Bin Rashid added: “The future of the quality of human life is an essential focus in designing perceptions and solutions to the challenges we are going through.

The world faces historical challenges that impose upon it the redevelopment of its economic and social system .. Comprehensive dialogue is the basis for humanity’s success in designing a better future based on anticipating challenges and finding effective solutions.

He stressed that the World Government Summit is an ideal platform for discussing these priorities with the participation of world leaders, decision-makers, policies, representatives of international organizations and experts in various fields, and an open space for partnership and promoting the concept of positive dialogue between countries, stressing that the UAE is ready to participate effectively in any international effort due to With the goodness of people, and ready to support any purposeful direction to develop a unified vision to promote prosperity and improve the lives of societies around the world.

Designing future trends for vital sectors.

The “World Government Summit Dialogues” aims to establish an open global dialogue that focuses on designing future directions for a number of vital sectors, through key and virtual dialogue sessions in which the speakers share their future visions and exchange ideas aimed at devising solutions to expected global challenges, in light of the current circumstances and developments of the Coronavirus pandemic. Novelty.

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The sessions of the first day focus on a range of topics such as the future from an African perspective, decentralized financing for building an integrated economy, digital currencies, the future from an Asian perspective, envisioning the future of the next decade, genius in decision-making in times of crisis, innovation in building bridges of peace, while The second day sessions will discuss global steps to provide vaccines to all societies, the global digital infrastructure, the use of data to draw sound and scientific visions for the present and the future, re-design of entrepreneurship, the challenges and opportunities of the renewable energy sector, nature’s simulation of the future of humanity, the race towards space and the future of humanity.

The World Government Summit.

It is worth noting that the World Government Summit, which was launched under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him”, in 2013, constitutes a leading global platform that brings together an elite group of government leaders, ministers, senior officials and decision-makers under its umbrella. And pioneers of ideas and specialists in financial, economic and social affairs from different countries of the world, to exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas that contribute to anticipating the future of governments, and it hosts a variety of workshops, sessions and initiatives to review the latest trends and best practices in leading governments, and to provide innovative solutions to anticipate global challenges.

Those wishing to follow the virtual “World Government Summit Dialogue” sessions organized by the World Government Summit, can visit the website / www.worldgovsummit.org/, or follow the social media channels of the World Government Summit Foundation.

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Salama Mohamed Salama
Salama Mohamed Salama has more than 20 years of experience as T.V editor, T.V Script writer and journalist. Worked in international Channels for 15 year in (Arab Radio and Television "A.R.T) 2 years part time and 13 years full time employee. Also in the same time he worked part time in Egyptian T.V and Nile T.V Network for 10 years.