Earn Money from Online Freelance Websites

earn money from online freelance websites

In my recent series blogs about how to earn money from online jobs and best tips for students to find an online job, I have offered tips and guidelines for those who want to earn money from online websites. I have observed that freelance writing job is much trendy amongst the majority of bloggers. And if a writer is successful in managing his/her own brand, he/she can earn a lot and instantaneous income for the words written by him/her.

In spite of this fact, many writers are unable to stumble on much work as they don’t exactly know from where to search freelance writing jobs for themselves. As I am a freelancer myself, I have discovered the best 13 freelance writing job websites to guide the freelancers to find the best opportunities of freelance writing job.

Some of my readers requested me to guide them about some supplementary writing resources, so I am writing this blog to provide the best possible information to my readers in order to make them fully aware of the best writing job websites. Being online, during my search for some freelance writing jobs, these sites are much authentic in providing freelance writing job for the freelancers.

Freelance Writing Job Websites

Elance is the best provider of freelance job for the professionals in every field of life. Being a writer, a web developer, or a designer, you can obtain the best suitable projects via Elance. Its membership account fee ranges from Free to$39.95 per month according to the nature of your business. And for paid jobs, the service fee of Elance is from 6.75% – 8.75%.

Guru is also a freelance service for the freelancers of all types and its bulletin board is very accurate. I have got the free membership of Guru and still unable to avail a decent job with them, so it’s my opinion to better pay for membership in order to achieve some better project with Guru.

The membership of Guru is Free and paid as well. The fee ranges from $29.95 to $99.95 per quarter. For a paid job, the commission of Guru is from 5 – to 10%.

oZLance is also a freelance job website mostly for the Australian and New-Zealand freelancers and it brings about connections between the freelancers and the business owners. Its registration is worldwide in spite of the fact that the site is comparatively young.

The registration it totally Free and for best working opportunities, you have to pay a small fee. Although the traffic on this site is low, but the sporadic bargains may be done here.

Freelance Writing is a much popular writing job website and it has a variety of information and links guiding to other similar sites. Just be warned! as while visiting the site each time, I find myself still browsing even after an hour.

Journalism Jobs is another freelance job website for the freelancers throughout the world. Some of them are in house and others are doing their job online.

In order to search the best available offers here, just do keyword search and you will find the most suitable projects for you.

Get A Freelancer is a freelance job site just like ScripLance as it is the best available site for the beginners, but the money offered here is very low. In beginning, $5 per article is a handsome amount, but after gaining experience and credibility, you may not compromise on this amount.

Writer Lance  is one of my favorite sites. Here a variety of online job offers are provided on handsome rates. Here the registration is totally FREE and for your paid income, their commission is 3%.

Suite 101 is a freelance article writing website which has a great attraction for the freelancers. It is claimed on the site that about 6 million visitors have their views every month and promise to pay a share to you in the income. The greatest attraction about Suite 101 is that its article gallery is very extensive where you are able to find any topic of your choice in your selected field.

Sign-up here is totally FREE and you can earn a handsome amount by writing some impressive articles.

iFreelance is another best freelance job websites as a variety of good paying jobs are offered here. The charges of membership range from $ 3.91 – $6.58 per month. The outstanding fact about iFreelance is that you have not to pay any commission of your earned amount. So, just try your luck by applying jobs according to your abilities!

Helium is amongst the best freelance job writing websites in accordance with your qualifications. You can earn a very handsome amount by doing your job actively and appropriately. The written articles are ranked through voting by the community members.

Helium has an extensive community of readers and writers and you can write article in your selected field and topic.

CraigsList is a hidden earning point for many freelancers for month. It is a world-wide job and advertising network and its registration is totally FREE. A variety of writing and advertising jobs are offered here for the freelancers.

Pro Blogger Job Board updates online jobs weekly. Blogging, writing, designing, web developing and many more jobs are offered here. But, you have to select the projects quickly as this site has a heavy traffic.

Academic Writer is a freelance writing service which offers dissertation and essay writing services to college and university students. Hence, it continuously offers freelance writing jobs to professional academic writers and offers handsome compensation per page from $6 to $10 per page.

So, be professional while selecting the online jobs in order to be a good freelancer. You must create your online resume, so that your clients may validate your fame in their testimonials.

Just always be honest and fair in your online freelance jobs. No doubt, your earnings in the beginning will be low, but with the passage of time as you gain experience, you will be able to earn a handsome amount as a freelancer.

My best wishes are for your success and joys and for further queries, just contact me without any hesitation.

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Niaz Shakir
Niaz Shakir is the CEO of UK Newsline and the former Sub Editor at the Daily Mashriq Balochistan. He has written numerous articles in Urdu and English in various newspapers of Pakistan.


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