Don’t Quit Smoking Suddenly – Warns National Health Service UK

quit smoking

Government health officials have warned that quieting smoking suddenly has negative effect on health as well as there are likelihood of restarting smoking again. The officials have warned not to go “cold turkey” to quit smoking and advised the smokers to follow the official NHS support or turning to e-cigarettes which stands a much greater chance of succeeding giving up smoking.

The recent research on smoking has shown that only 4% of those who go “cold turkey” remain smoke-free after a year.

The research has also revealed that nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches or lozenges, can increase the chances of success for Smoking cessation by one and half percent whereas getting help from an NHS stop-smoking clinical guide program may help smokers improving the chances of succeeding by 4%, according to Public Health England.

Steps to Smoking cessation

This year, NHS has started an online personal quit plan service which aims to provide guidance for smoking cessation. In this program a number of questions are asked and on the basis of the replies it provides smokers with a suggested combination of support based on their level of tobacco dependency and what quitting support they have used previously.

stop smoking

The research has found that e-cigarettes remain the nation’s favourite stop smoking aid – with an estimated 3.2 million users, most of whom are former smokers. 

According to the BBC report, smoking rates in UK have hit a record low – just 15% of the adult population smoke, a drop of a quarter since 2011.


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Niaz Shakir
Niaz Shakir is the CEO of UK Newsline and the former Sub Editor at the Daily Mashriq Balochistan. He has written numerous articles in Urdu and English in various newspapers of Pakistan.