The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to suspend entry to the Kingdom for the purpose of performing Umrah and visiting the Holy Mosque of the Prophet “temporarily”, in addition to suspending the entry of tourist visa holders from countries where the Corona virus is a threat.
In a statement, on Thursday, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had taken these proactive precautions to prevent the virus from reaching and spreading to the Kingdom.
The measures included suspending the use of Saudi nationals and citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council states for the national identity card to travel to and from the Kingdom, with the exception of Saudis who are abroad if their exit from the Kingdom was with a national identity card.

Like them, citizens of the countries of the Cooperation Council who are currently inside the Kingdom, and wish to return from them to their countries, in case they entered the national identity card, for the Saudi authorities to verify the ports from the countries that the next visited before arriving in the Kingdom.
The Kingdom emphasized that “the measures are temporary, and are subject to continuous evaluation by the competent authorities,” and renewed its support for all international measures taken to limit the spread of the virus.
The Saudi Foreign Ministry called on citizens not to travel to countries that are experiencing the spread of the new Corona virus.
As of the moment, Saudi Arabia has not recorded any confirmed cases of the virus, while Gulf states bordering the Kingdom, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, have declared infections on their soil.
On other side, The National Center for Disease Prevention and Control calls on all citizens and residents the need to be patient while traveling to Italy and Japan while the ministry of KSA in turkey announced their suidian people in turkey to take attention while they move in turkey to keep their health.
Note that The Gulf states are witnessing a state of alert, and several preventive measures have been taken, including a ban on entry to countries from countries that have recorded high indicators of infection and death from the virus, especially China, Iran, Italy and South Korea.