CORONAVIRUS PLAGUE: Are we ready for this pandemic?

Franca Colozzo

In 2014, the world avoided a global outbreak of Ebola, thanks to thousands of selfless health workers — plus, frankly, some very good luck. In hindsight, we know what we should have done better. So, now’s the time, Bill Gates suggests, to put all our good ideas into practice, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. As he says, “There’s no need to panic … but we need to get going.”

This, shown above, is the statement by Bill Gates, a passionate technician and shrewd businessman, who changed the world and led Microsoft to dizzying success.

And here we are in front of the Coronavirus emergency, unarmed and losers, we men are reeling in the ford of this unknown pandemic, for which there is no vaccine, if not drugs generally used so far against malaria or rheumatoid arthritis, all being tested on a completely different virus.

Meanwhile, scientists from all over the world are speeding up the search for a vaccine capable of eradicating this new virus, which has hit the world like a cleaver, here the temperature in the world fever thermometer is rising and producing more deaths than initially expected . Underestimation perhaps, but surely the recent  media drumming has not helped in the course of this pandemic if not to create panic in the population as happened in Italy which ranks first in the European rankings for the number of deaths after China. But in China it now appears that the situation is under control. 


What really happened in Italy? 

The excessive propagation of the Coronavirus, apart from the statistical data of the oldest population in Europe (23% of the elderly) was born in the north: an Italian who had dined with a Chinese from Wuhan.

Knowing the initial outbreak, it would have been appropriate to close all the infected areas of northern Italy, testing all that population and thus placing only healthy or infected carriers in quarantine.

Instead, the spread of news on the web and in the newspapers about the drastic measures that the government was about to take, meant that many from the north moved, especially by train, to the southern regions still untouched by the disease.

It would have been appropriate to immediately arm the north of Italy, with a surprise move, so that many did not escape infecting the rest of the country. Then tests on any healthy and non-healthy people, through the screening of the entire population of the infected areas, would have had a greater effect both in terms of upstream prevention and for the sudden supply of beds, health facilities, masks, disinfectant material and especially health workers, doctors and nurses, now quickly recruited even if not yet qualified or already retired.

Instead, this mass exodus meant that the epidemic spread rapidly throughout Italy, forcing for weeks, and who knows until, the entire Italian population segregated at home and strictly controlled even by the army.

The infected of the north took the trains and went south when they heard a mention of the quarantine. This was the beginning of the forced detention of whole families.

Is it possible to keep all the Italian people under lock and key for months? Apart from the unprecedented economic damage and the closure of schools, not being able to take advantage of public spaces, greenery, outdoor sports, play grounds for children, walks for the elderly and people suffering from heart or metabolic diseases that need to long walks will cause psychological and health problems, much more serious than the draconian measures adopted.

Europe, it seems, is belatedly running for cover, not to mention England, which initially took the situation as lightly as America.

Since I live in Italy, whose people are going through this difficult moment with a spirit of discipline, seriousness and dignity, I would like my message of hope and love to reach all of you like a distant echo so that the epidemic can soon end in the world, back from the experience of countries that have contracted it virulently. It is not only a matter of old age,

but thirty year olds have also died here.

I would not want what was happening in Italy to happen and other peoples in the world. Beyond the negative data, the current contingency has brought to light the true values ​​of our proud people: solidarity and passion, commitment and dedication to the collective good, especially by the health personnel.

Please carefully follow the instructions provided by the World Health Organization: the less you move, the better..

According to the directives of a recent OMG article, the ideal would be to immediately cut this pandemic by fencing, as the Chinese did in Wuhan, the most affected areas and not the whole nation.

It would be advisable to carry out tests on the entire population of the most infected areas (often healthy carriers) in order to immediately quarantine healthy or unhealthy carriers of the virus, so as not to spread the pandemic around.

What preventive measures to take?

However, I warmly ask you not to panic. The malaise, cultivated in daily thought through the continuous drumming of the media, can weaken our immune defenses. This does not mean that it is not essential to follow the government’s hygiene and health requirements.

Panic must be kept under control through greater spiritual introspection, listening to music, good readings, watching non-depressing movies, following one’s inclinations and hobbies.

How am I personally fighting this collective fear? Writing poems, reading, studying,  possibly interested in topics other than those today propagated excessively by the mass media on Coronavirus.

Let’s gather in a collective prayer (beyond any single religion or faith), which works better than any vaccine or medicine.

The Native Americans usually did this to invoke the rain, and it has been experienced in New York that a collective prayer against the crime spread in that city had served to statistically decrease the crimes.

You may also like to read: Corona Virus Disease Facts, Symptoms, Cure and Details

In this highly materialistic era, we only emphasize negativity or advertising related to consumer goods. Unfortunately, today we have lost the spiritual faculties, often chasing a materialism that has not brought anything good (climate change, pollution, devastation, crimes against ethnic minorities in violation of Human Rights, injustices, widespread poverty in the world, wars, etc. ).

That it wasn’t exactly this message that the virus wanted to send us!

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Franca Colozzo
Dr. Arch. FRANCA COLOZZO ̶ an Italian architect, writer, novelist, artist, poet, researcher, educationist, freelance journalist and Peace & Harmony activist ̶ isChief Executive Officer (CEO) of International Harmony Council~ IHC, Sister Organization of INSPAD ~ Institute of Peace and Development, in Islamabad (PAKISTAN), thanks to its President & CEO, Dr. Muhammad Tahir Tabassum. During the seven years spentin Istanbul on behalf of the Italian Foreign Ministry, thanks to her multi-ethnic and multi-cultural experience, she published catalogues and organized exhibitions of Art at the Italian High School I.M.I., the Italian Institute of Culture and the most prestigious universities in Istanbul (Turkey). Coming back to Italy in 2002, she conveyed her knowledge into the Italian teaching system through Art exhibitions about the artistic didactic path of her Italian High School students. She was selected, in 2005, as E.N.D. OIB1 expert, Building Policy - GUIM 06/51, at the European Community of Buxelles (BELGIUM). Retired from teaching, she continues to practice as apart-timearchitect, painter and writer of poems, essays and novels, a freelance journalist. She obtained a lot of professional and academic awards from recognized international organizations. Recently, her current focus is on writing articles, aphorisms, thoughts, essays, poems, etc., on Human Rights, Peace, environmental problems, refugees, women’s empowerment, education and health related programs, etc. Nominated two years ago Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGA Director~ITALY) on behalf of the influencer Richard DiPilla (Virginia – USA), she is interested in humanitarian and pacifist issues.


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