Yesterday i went from my home for grocery with my family. On the way I saw that a transgender near nipa chowrangi was injured. He was suffering from pain and nobody stopped there to help him. I stopped my car there and asked him about what was happening there. He started crying and told me that he was hit by a car and after the accident the car driver ran away. I really felt bad for him and asked him to stand up and brought him to the doctor. After the medical treatment he thanked me and my family.
transgender discrimination in Pakistan

After scary situation of corona virus people have stopped helping each other. Does the corona kill the humanity and emotions inside the human? I am not sure what I did was right or wrong but yesterday I make the aim that one day I will start the school for transgender where they can get education and I will provide them the way to stand up in the world.
Now again coming to the topic I want to say to the people who read this please bring some humanity. Its not necessary to give your charity to the known names like Edhi,
Sarim Burney Trust, Cheepa, Fatima, The Citizens Foundation and other known names. We have many people around us who need our help. I really feel bad that we are Muslims and we don’t have humanity inside. In my opinion, a human being must have a living heart else animals are also alive.
By following this opinion I always think by a heart, people call me crazy, people call me mad, people don’t want me as a friend because I always support the truth. People think that my opinions are useless because this world is so cruel but I believe that there are many peoples who are helping persons. I don’t want any support I have a power to take actions but if someone supports so it will be his or her good deed. The charity is not only to give money. If you help someone this is called also a charity.
If you are not emotional and you don’t think by heart it means you are not alive by heart.
Please wake up your emotions regarding humanity. Transgender are also human. They are not like this by their choice. Allah makes him and he knows better for everyone.
In our country I always see that people don’t show any respect for them. hay feel that they are beggars.
When I talked to that transgender he told me that nobody gives us work that is why we become a beggar because if we don’t bring money from anywhere how could we survive. That make me think about them and I decide that I will teach them free of cost and one day I will open a school.
People think that I am free. Even one of my friends says “how spare are these people”. Honestly it hurts because I m not free but I make some time free for all this. If I help someone it doesn’t mean that i have nothing to do.
It’s my request to everyone that please make sometime free for these people. If we kills our humanity what else we have ….nothing.
One day we all have to die and the Day of Judgment will come soon. So please do something good for these people. I know my article can make controversy for me but I don’t care about any controversy and comment. I just wanted to tell the message from that transgender that he said we are also human being, we have a heart and emotions also. We also want to live lively. People never support us because of gender identity.
In my opinion the gender difference is the basic problem of Pakistan. This is male dominated society who never supports woman or there is no space for transgender.
Money is not the only solution. If you talk to them nicely and treat them fairly it can make them happy. Happiness is the only solution sometimes. Don’t hurt anybody because everyone is a human and having emotions. People treat them like garbage but honestly Allah created them and they helpless about all this.
After many years of independence we are living in 18th century because the mentality of people has not changed. We belong to Pakistan and in Pakistan we should have to stand up against genderism. After doing this we will accomplish this because united we stand and divided we fall.