Analysis of the Trump Middle East “PIECE” package

US President Donald Trump greets Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (courtsey aljazeera)

After pieces from Kashmir, a new package of Middle Eastern pieces has been announced by US President Trump now. American supremacy takes the field day after day to impose negative and unjustified decisions. It was a one-way decision with Israeli Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu in the White House, no representation of the Palestinian leadership was present at the meeting.

U.S. President Truman has recognized the Israeli state on May 14, 1948, and now President Trump has announced a new plan in a private meeting that AlQuds will be Israel’s capital. But entire Palestinian parties and groups are united under a banner: “We are united, Trump and no one else will dare violate our rights” against this package, a few hours before Mr. Netanyahu’s release to Washington on corruption allegations presented to the Jerusalem Tribunal.

President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the plan as a conspiracy. He said: “I say Jerusalem is not for sale, all our rights are not for a deal.” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Palestinians, who rejected Trump’s peace plan to present “counter-offers” that could get Israeli support.

Among the Arab rulers were Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrian who welcomed the Trump plan. In the meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, the Pan-Arab body has been bitterly divided probably not to produce a serious appreciation; only Turkey and Iran expressed their opposition, being traditionally antagonistic towards Israel.

Unfortunately, Arab nations have forged close ties with Israel and India in recent years, as they have shown full support for both terrorist states. Pakistan has asked for a two-state solution to resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel. Pakistan has pushed to make Jerusalem the capital of an independent state of Palestine based on the pro-1967 borders.

You may also like to read: Analysis on Imran – Trump Meeting at Davos by Iftikhar Chaudri

Palestine and Kashmir have long been waiting for the resolution of the conflicts pending on the United Nations agenda for three decades. But no power has shown interest in the right to self-determination from day one.

Although many countries have committed themselves to implement United Nations resolutions on both sensitive issues. This is the perfect time to raise your voice, break the silence and move towards the resolution of the long conflicts in Kashmir and Palestine for world peace, otherwise clouds of war will be seen in the Middle East and South Asia regions and war can destroy humanity and peace for more than half population of the world.

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Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum
Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum is the Founder / President of Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) (Think tank), Ambassador UNIHW, Journalist Peace, Harmony Activist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Human rights Defender, Media Consultant, Columnist, Author, Public Figure, and Motivational Speaker. The author may be contacted at [email protected]