How far is the Coronavirus considered a reason to prevent pregnancy or abortion?

coronavirus and the pregnant wormen

The spread of the Corona virus has sounded the alarm in all aspects of life, especially humanity. The nature of the spread of this deadly virus is still unknown and the transmission from the infected mother to the fetus is still one of the most important questions that scientists are searching for an accurate answer to.

Many health experts have warned women not to become pregnant in this crisis.
For the following reasons:
1_The low level of health care due to the preoccupation with dealing with Corona injuries.
2_ the mother’s immune system is at its weakest, especially during the first months of pregnancy, which makes the mother more vulnerable to infection with the Coronavirus.
3_ Lack of sufficient information about the effect of corona on the fetus and the effect of infection on the newborn.

Doctor Jonathan says there is no clear reason why children should not be infected with the Coronavirus, especially as it does not transmit a unique process that targets adults only. Accordingly, if a number of children were infected, their ability to transmit the virus would be enormous.

health related issues of the pregnant women

Is the Corona virus transmitted from the infected mother to the fetus?

The answer to this question has become urgent, especially after monitoring the infection of a Chinese baby with the virus only 36 hours after his birth!

A Chinese White Army squad from the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University of China moved to conduct the first study of its kind. On nine pregnant women who were infected with the virus in the last trimester of pregnancy, that is, between the week (36 – 39) of pregnancy and after childbirth – a cesarean delivery.

As a sign of hope, the doctors did not notice any symptoms of the disease in the newborns.

However, this result may not be for sure.
1_ The sample (nine cases) is limited and does not give results with certainty.
2_the study examined caesarean section without a normal delivery.
3_ Also, the study dealt with the infection in the last third of pregnancy, what about two thirds of the first and second pregnancy?
4_ It may be the conditions of the epidemic and the speed of its spread, or the team’s keenness to come up with urgent results or achieve a head start, which is what causes us to question the validity of the results.

At the international level, where more than 100 NGOs called on European governments to guarantee immediate access to abortion health care services for women and girls. The call came as the Polish parliament prepared to discuss a law on abortion.

The UK government also classified pregnant mothers as among the most vulnerable in society and most at risk of contracting Coronavirus.

In the end of March, England revised the abortion policy due to the Coronavirus, to allow it for the women it wanted in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Therefore, we see the following measures taken:

First: stop the conclusion and documentation of marriage contracts for a certain period.

Second: Pregnancy should be prevented or significantly restricted – as well as through the text of the law or extensive awareness-raising campaigns – as a precautionary measure for a specific period. If the virus is not transmitted from the mother to the fetus, it is no less than keeping the mother from the risk of contracting the Coronavirus due to its weak immunity.

Also read: Coronavirus update

Third: Coronavirus infection must be considered a reason to legalize the crime of abortion whenever this is done to pay the risk of the death of the infected mother or to prevent the risk of infection with the virus whenever this is based on a medical certificate from an accredited authority and that the reference to the competent religious authority, namely Al-Azhar Al Sharif. Provided that the permissibility is for a temporary period and with certain controls and under the supervision and supervision of the state.

Dr. Hazem Al-Ramahi

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Salama Mohamed Salama
Salama Mohamed Salama has more than 20 years of experience as T.V editor, T.V Script writer and journalist. Worked in international Channels for 15 year in (Arab Radio and Television "A.R.T) 2 years part time and 13 years full time employee. Also in the same time he worked part time in Egyptian T.V and Nile T.V Network for 10 years.