Why the conflict in Kashmir looks like the canvas of Penelope?

Franca Colozzo

Since I am an Ambassador of Peace and a passionate fighter for democracy and justice, I felt very sad since the Indian curfew on August 5, 2019, so I began to study the situation in Kashmir and how to find solutions to help it.
I would have liked to go to the occupied Srinagar to protest against the Indian curfew but, being alone and without any logistic help, I wasn’t able to go there. So I began to be more and more active by writing: I would like you to sign my petitions.

• Letters to the most influential politicians in the world, to the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, to the European President in charge, the Italian Hon. David Sassoli, to the Pope and some Italian politicians, etc.
• Comments on all social media and videos (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube);
• Articles on Academia.edu, international newspapers, and interviews on some TV in the UK, Pakistan, etc.

occupation of kashmir


Article 370 and 35A about no-resident people, Indian forces captured Kashmiri properties: the Indian army is building up the colonies, houses on Kashmiri lands.

On April 1, 2020, India’s Government introduced a new set of domicile laws for the occupied Kashmir, including domicile rights for Indian citizens in the disputed territory to change the demography composition of the State.
Here I quote specifically this article of mine: “The conflict in Kashmir and its cultural matrix

The conflict in Kashmir is not only the cause of nationalistic Indo-Pak interests, exasperated by the end of English colonialism but above all a cultural phenomenon that has its roots in the cultural transformations that have taken place in the country over the centuries.
We are within what is called anthropological observations of complex social phenomena, accompanied by psychological and pedagogical motivations.
The spiritual matrix of the Kashmiris has its deepest roots in music, poetry, and literature which have undergone a slow evolution from ancient and medieval times to modern ones, especially after the division of 1947.
The abrogated article 370 and 35/A of the Indian Constitution conferred since the beginning (1948) a special status to the disputed State of J&K to define local domicile laws.
It bifurcated the Status into two Union territories and thereby deprived the disputed State of its flag, constitution, set of local laws, and above all of its sovereignty to fulfill the long-pending demand of Hindus to ease the restrictions of purchasing lands inside the Muslim majority and for setting in large scale in the region and to consolidate New Delhi’s influence.

Also read: Kashmir and the Female Question
The true purpose of the BJP Government is to change the demographic composition of the State. So on February 5, 2020, the administrative Council under the chairmanship of the Lieutenant Governor accorded sanction to the transfer of 13,665 Kanals of Government land to the establishment of industrial estates (Indian Home Minister, Amit Shah) the final touch.
India in synthesis wants to change the demographic composition of Kashmir.


Without any notice, the Indian Army enters private houses, kills women, children, young males and also the elders. The UN and the European Union are silent.
No resentment against Indians? Why?

Why is the world blind and deaf?
I think for three reasons:

1. First of all, some of influential leaders presume that Pakistan foments Jihadism and terrorism to the detriment of India to annex the Indian Kashmir, that for the mistake of its last Maharajah became part of India with a Muslim majority;

2. The Indians are a large part of the world population and their economy is very functional to the global one due to the high number of Indians (1 billion and about 400 million), some of them in diaspora in a lot of countries in the world.

3. Despite so many UN resolutions since 1947, no solution was found and Kashmiri issue could become the Asian powder keg, being between two nuclear countries: India and Pakistan. The danger of a nuclear escalation is always present.


Talking about the conflict in Kashmir means talking about unprecedented violence against women, the first victims, together with children, to face a truly distressing situation.
Since August 5, 2019, when the Indian lockdown started, we have witnessed a summation of negative actions. Indians often kidnap women, others have been tortured or raped often in the presence of husbands and children.
The suffering of women, victims of this escalation of negativity, could have serious repercussions on their mental health and that of their children. How to get out of this spiral of violence? Will there be a future for this afflicted generation of women, children, young men?
It seems that PM Modi is playing to raise the bar in a twisting of increasingly distressing situations, while the Kashmiri population without internet, impoverished of everything even of their fruit trees, eradicated with unequal violence and cruelty, is in the pillory.
We don’t want the tragic picture of Palestine to be repeated.
If we want to stop kidnappings, carnage, massacres, torture we should all together plead the cause of Kashmir at the UN and to the major political exponents both in Europe and the States).

So many people, so many ideas on motion! India has crossed all limits in occupied Jammu & Kashmir!

Separatism and jihadism will continue to be strong if a new policy that favors the democratic process of Kashmir along the tangent of its independence trajectory and separated from the logic of subordination to India is not seriously pursued. The Modi’s government may want to make it look as if it favors a new policy in Kashmir. But at the moment the violence, the overwhelming, even in terms of communication, the ambiguous messages launched have only encouraged separatists and jihadists.

The limit to which Kashmir should aim is that dictated by its millenary history, its culture, by the ancestral transhumance of peoples, customs, and habits that no imposition on Modi can ever deviate from its original path. But for this to happen, a snap of the dignity of the population and a return to the founding values of an indigenous nation is needed.

I hope that the new President of the US, Joe Biden, could put the word: “End” to this infinite dispute through a Referendum under the UN’s aegis, to free finally Kashmiri people.

By Franca Colozzo

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Franca Colozzo
Member of UIA - UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS | former Teacher of Drawing and History of Art also abroad, in Istanbul (TURKEY), on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M.A.E.) | Poet | Artist | Writer | multilingual author| recipient of n°4 honorary PhD | highly internationally awarded | freelancer | UN SDGs & UN DESA Blogger | former Member of UN ECOSOC (CSW67) | GGAF (USA), Italian Chapter | WEF - Lifelong Honorary Member | Ambassador of Peace on behalf of several NGOs from Pakistan (former CEO of IHC- INTERNATIONAL HARMONY COUNCIL, a sister of INSPAD (Islamabad - PAKISTAN); from INDIA (MERLE REBIRTH); Italy Chapter on behalf of WIP – WORLD INSTITUTE for PEACE (NIGERIA), etc. | Executive Director for Sustainability & Climate Change and contact person for the Transparency Register of the European Commission and Parliament, on behalf of GPLT - GLOBAL PEACE LET’S TALK (London, UK), founded and chaired by Dr. Nikki De Pina | Member of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of ETHICS, founded and presided over by Dr. Jernail S Anaand (INDIA) | CEO/Executive Director of RRM3 - RINASCIMENTO RENAISSANCE - Millennium III, founded and presided over by Prof. George Onsy (Cairo, EGYPT) | Founder of many groups on social media|